St George's Tots & Dots
Currently at FULL CAPACITY. Register for our waiting list admin@stgn.org
We love Tots and Dots! If you're a parent of a toddler, this could be the weekly place you need. We've got songs, arts and crafts, refreshments and a chance to meet up with other parents in the community too. We're a great bunch of mums, dads, carers and tots.
Tots & Dots is hosted and led by St George's Church and actively Christian in its ethos and outlook. As such, we incorporate Bible stories and Christian themes throughout the year in our craft and story time. Those of all faiths or none are very welcome.
We meet on Wednesday mornings during term time only at St George's Centre. We are currently at full capacity. To register for our waiting list please email admin@stgn.org.
Church office open Monday-Thursday 01782 911240 or email admin@stgn.org.